Daily Sagittarius Horoscope January 20 (20/01)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

January 20


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Given that most of us cant recall half the dreams weve had and can be oblivious to how important and helpful they can be in terms of inspiring and guiding us, we understandably dismiss many as nonsensical, especially in the cold light of day. Sometimes though, what appears nonsensical holds a valuable key to progress where we want it. Be willing to consider an idea that might appear ludicrous. It could hold more potential than you believe it does.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Progress in an area of your world you want to see it made in relies on you getting someone on your side. Youre not starting from scratch per se, you and they have managed to build a rapport or reached some level of agreement about whats expected of each other. Its time to take both to a new level. This will require an increase of commitment on both sides and preparedness to abandon a previous way of collaborating in favor of a new and more productive one.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

Where you might have grown used to living under a cloud of uncertainty, this weeks link between Mars and Saturn in your sign could be integral to a new level of relief and stability coming your way. This will, however, require you to face and accept a particular fact. This might involve accepting a particular restriction isnt going to vanish overnight but youre about to become aware of how another freedom youve wanted to experience is more attainable than you believed it was.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

With Venus focusing attention on your domestic sector, home and family matters can become harmonious. If youre considering decorating your abode, then this is the month to do it! Once Mercury moves direct on the 8th, uncertainty surrounding your earnings will be removed, allowing you to see a financial situation more realistically. The Full Moon on the 12th might help you to assess your financial situation and decide where some overdue cuts need to be made.


health sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

You sometimes like to do things alone, but its important to be aware not to overdo this. Isolation can be risky. Its important to involve friends and family in your life so that you get the necessary perspective on how youre living. When you look great, dont you want someone to tell you? When you need a haircut, isnt it kind of cool to be reminded by someone who cares? Be careful not to cut yourself off from important sources of love and support - its an unconscious act for some of you.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

You appear to take it slow and steady, but sometimes a passionate streak flares up and surprises those around you. You experience frequent, sudden bursts of energy or changes of heart, but rarely show them to the outside world. Your skin could epitomize this tendency. One minute everything is fine, the next minute a rash has broken out or a pimple appears overnight! These fluctuations are caused by an inner intensity that is best managed by drinking copious amounts of water. Dont hesitate to check into a water service at this time.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

You may notice a difference in your well-being now. Even though youre faced with challenges, youll feel a lot more optimistic. Its as though the challenges dont affect you in the same way. Youre prepared to believe you can handle anything. An absence of stress in your life means less chance of contracting an illness.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

You might want to succeed and yet not feel like bothering, and this may be due to the exacting nature of Saturn in your sign. However, when it comes to your well-being, this attitude might not be helpful. And with the luxuriant Venus as your wellness planet, the temptation to indulge and forget about whats good for you could be an issue. Venus glides into your domestic zone this month, so home cooking could be very tempting. This is where you can usefully employ Saturns disciplined side. Dont stop completely if your efforts are mediocre - just keep going.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

The planetary alignment inclines you to want to take your time quickly, or to hurry slowly. Either way you are not sure whether the golden opportunity standing right in front of you is really what you are after or not. It may take more than one or two dates to find this out anyway. Best to take it as it comes, rather than rushing straight in.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

If you are thinking of making a move as far as a certain special person is concerned, then it may help to sport the right kind of image before you ask them for that date, or at least implying that you are willing to be taken out. The more mysterious and unfathomable you can appear, the more chance you have.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

You have a lot to say at the start of the week, but make sure youre letting your date get a word in edgewise. Be aware of nervous laughter and strange body language, too, and avoid those if possible. You have a lot on your mind at weeks end, which could make paying attention to whats happening on a date even more difficult. Reschedule for another time if you think youll lose your focus.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

Mercury retrograde ends January 8, so you process information more quickly than you have recently. Youre so glad that miscommunications and awkward moments are mostly behind you for the month. The emotional Moon gets a practical boost from Virgo on January 15 and January 16, but dont jump the line from being logical to robotic. Show a potential date you have a warm, fuzzy side, too. Mars and Saturn square off on January 19, so going full speed ahead wont be an option. Pump the brakes every once in a while, especially around turns.


career sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

Confusion will arise around mid-day and will most likely set you back if you are not prepared to deal with it. Set your plan during the beginning of the day and then use the afternoon to follow through. Plans initiated mid-day will most likely flop.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Make sure to double-check your work today. No one is going to be tolerant of a mistake that was made in haste. You will gain more respect from the people around you if you take your time, be patient, and look over the final product more than once.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Frustrations about work dont have to consume you. Step back and analyze your situation. A period of inactivity may seem endless, but it wont last forever. You may feel conflicted about relationships on the job. The energy brings a chance to shift gears. Your heart might move in one direction and your head in another. Youre facing a decision. Once you make it, expect improvement in your job or career.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

It might be difficult to get paid for an expense report submitted near January 12. Schedule a meeting if the check isnt forthcoming. In a situation like this, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Theres no reason you should reach into your own pocket to cover professional costs. The approach of January could bring some good news. A job offer, promotion, or bonus might arrive quite suddenly. Make sure to celebrate the good news with your nearest and dearest. Your good mood will catapult you to new career heights. You know youve hit your stride when work feels more like play.



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